
What is Geosynthetic conformance testing?

Also known as compliance testing, geosynthetic conformance testing is a methodology used in engineering to ensure that a product meets a specific set of standards and conditions. These standards are generally developed by independent organizations such as an institute or an agency. It can be accomplished by private companies or laboratories that specialize in compliance testing procedures. Besides, conformance testing procedures are covered in the practice standard on general procedures of conformance of geosynthetics.

Geosynthetics, on the other hand, have four levels of quality. They are Quality control in manufacturing (MQC); Quality assurance in manufacturing (MQA); Quality control in construction (CQC); Quality assurance in construction (CQA);

All aspects of geosynthetic projects must conform to the accepted standards of engineering to assure that the project will be carried out without failures. Certification of CQA personnel must also be carried out in compliance with the guidelines set by the geosynthetic institute.

To pass the quality in geosynthetics, contractors should maintain a high standard of operation. They must answer questions like the following:

Do your procedures contain general and/or specific requirements for CQA conformance testing for geomembranes, geotextiles, geocomposites, geogrids, and plastic pipes?

Does your procedure specifically state the interval for destructive seam sampling of geomembranes?

Do your regulations or guides allow for a nondestructive (NDT) alternative to destructive tests?

Sample questions like those mentioned above need full verification by the assigned contractor in conformance with the testing trends for the various geosynthetics used for landfill liner and cover systems.

Since CQA organizations hold their specific procedures and practices properly, the various state environmental agencies were the targeted group from which to request the basic minimum of required testing information.

Geosynthetic conformance Testing provides a means by which the client can evaluate the conformance of the geosynthetic properties in relation to the rejection of the material used. This is being implemented to show the emphasis on practicality and the realization that geosynthetics need to pass a meticulous standard or quality control program.

With this kind of testing, the risk of failing the standard quality control can be eliminated as all materials in the construction are presented in conformance test and purchase specifications. It is expected that any geosynthetic installation should pass the requirements and adequate conformance testing of the geosynthetic institute.

This practice involves a procedure for determining the conformance of geosynthetic properties to standard specifications. Hence, it promotes safety concerns to establish the necessary safety, health, and environmental practices following international standards,