One big advantage of doing your university or college degree online is that it’s usually a much cheaper option than classroom courses. It also allows students to ‘attend’ universities on the other side of the world. Course work can be completed from the comfort of home and in many cases, exams are also done remotely as well. Course content typically consists of online tutorials, lectures, performance support systems, and so on. In many cases, video conferencing is also possible. This is where professors give lectures online in a classroom. It allows topics to be discussed with the professors in real time, and queries solved.
Online courses are beneficial for students because they provide knowledge and the opportunity to add a degree to their resume. Ones from reputable institutions increase career and job prospects. Typically, study materials are either sent to the student’s home as interactive CD Roms, flashdrives, and ebooks, or can be downloaded from college website. Courses may also be conducted via video conferencing using collaborative and classroom management software. Another advantage of online learning is that it removes the requirement to carry heavy textbooks around.
Even so, there are those who argue that removing the classroom and the interaction between teacher and students is not always a good thing. A lot of people learn more through this type of interaction than they do simply by studying course material. If an institution that also offers full time degree courses is running the courses, it may be that their online courses are considered less important in comparison. Then there is the fact that in a classroom, student queries can be discussed and dealt with promptly. However, as previously mentioned, online lectures via video conferencing do allow this type of students / teacher interaction.
Certainly students the world over are pursuing online degrees regardless of any perceived disadvantages due to lower costs, and more flexibility around timing of lectures and exams. Online discussion boards also allow students to get their queries answered and facilitate the discussion of a variety of topics relevant to the degree.
To sum up, obtaining degrees even like doing a Fire Inspector certification online, can reduce distances of miles between students and universities to just a few seconds of Internet time. This has the potential to add up to many hundreds of dollars in savings. It saves on fuel; it saves on travel and time, and provides a great deal of flexibility around studying. In some cases, the courses are also ongoing enrollment, and can be completed at your own pace. This provides a schedule for furthering your education that may otherwise be impossible. Their growing popularity around the world is certainly proof that e-learning and online degrees are here to stay.