The objective of the Defensive Driving Course is to learn how to prevent dangerous situations, defend yourself from the aggressive driving of others by evaluating their maneuvers in advance. Surely a good driver, to be considered as such, must possess the ability to instantly evaluate a situation which, from apparently normal, can turn into a negative event read more.
This is the goal of defensive driving.
A first lap to evaluate the driving style. Explanation of the concepts of defensive driving. A second round to assess concept learning.
The nonlinearity of learning is a key concept of dynamical systems theory. Non-linear pedagogy is based on the concepts and ideas of ecological psychology and can be defined as the result of the interaction process between player, task and environment. Supporters of a non-linear pedagogical approach thus support key concepts such as the reciprocity between performer and environment, the close relationship between perception and action and the non-linear nature of systems that are made up of many interacting components that move between stages of stability and instability through self-organization processes.
Being that non-linear development is therefore based on the constant individual-environment interactions and on the decisions that the pupil makes conditioned by his degree of experience (see the next paragraph on affordances) it is evident that small changes to the structural or functional constraints of the environment during learning contexts, can cause significant changes in learning patterns.
In addition to a skilful planning of the session, it is therefore imperative that the coach knows how to use unobtrusive and inductive communication, but asking questions that allow the players to find their own solutions, without influencing their decision-making process.
A further aspect of the bond that I believe is worth underlining and, albeit briefly, mentioning and dealing with is linked to the coach’s instructions. When explaining the exercise, these play a very important role in determining how an athlete will try to reach the pre-established objective, because these will somehow condition the movements that the athletes will produce during the performance of the task. The instructions can act as performance limiters and discourage the players from exploring the different movement solutions and this is why even in the illustration of the proposal the quantity and nature of our words must be measured with great care by the coach , limiting itself most of the time (or always?) to the main objectives and/or constraints only.